Ecobiz Sacco

SMEs Products

Normal Savings Account

The individual’s normal savings account gives our members the opportunity to save monthly and build a safe accumulation of deposits for desired future use or just a safety net.

Loan Products

The Sacco offers you loan facilities with repayment periods that are flexible between one month and 60 months.-

Emergency Loan

Takes care of any unforeseen circumstances for you as a member.

School Fees Loan

Take a loan to pay school fees or exam fees for yourself or your dependants.

Development Loan/Normal Loan

Granted for productive purposes only and the applicant may be required to attach the supporting documentation as proof of project viability.  Six-month consistent contribution and the multiplier is three times the deposits.

TopUp Loan/ Refinancing

A member with an existing development loan is free to top up after having paid 1/2 of the borrowed loan. The society refinances this loan to members to complete their stalled projects.

Asset Financing

Loan granted to members to acquire various assets for home improvement and business growth.

Salary Advance/ E-Advance

Short-term advance – This has a repayment period of two months and an interest rate of 7% per month on a reducing balance. The amount given is 50% on the member’s net pay and is recovered using the check-off system. When applying a member is required to give a copy of the latest payslip, if the amount applied is more than the member’s share contribution then this amount has to be guaranteed.

Long-term advance – This has a repayment period of six months and an interest rate of 10% per month on a reducing balance. The amount given is 50% on the member’s net pay and is recovered using the check-off system. When applying a member is required to give a copy of the latest pay slip and have 3 guarantors who are our members.

  • Registration fee Ksh. 550
  • Share Capital Ksh.1000.
  • Minimum savings ksh. 1000 per month
  • A copy of national id
  • Two passport size photos

Processed within 24 hours
Payable 12 months
Interest 20 % p.a reducing balance
4 times a member’s saving at the maximum entitlement of Ksh. 50,000.00 subject to members’ ability to pay.

Maximum entitlement is 4 times the members saving with a maximum limit of Kes 100000
Payable in 12 months
Interest 15% p.a reducing balance

Security as guarantors or own deposits
Mode of payment check-off and standing order
Maximum Repayment (open)
Interest 1.25% per month.
A member is required to fill a loan form
3 latest payslips
Acceptable Collaterals ie salary and household items

A member can get up to three times their savings
Repayable in up to 48 months
Interest rate 12% p.a reducing balance

Financing option is 2/3 of the products market price
Maximum repayment period is 48 months
Interest rate is 12% p.a flat rate
The asset will be co-owned and be used as security for the loan

The member’s savings account should have a minimum of KES 3000
The advances are processed and paid in not more than 15 minutes provided all requirements are met.